Christian Motorcyclist’s Association of Australia

A history as seen by Roy Breyley (life member)

The association was formed in 1979 by two Sydney Christian Motorcyclist’s Clubs and a number of lone riders. The original idea came from Greg Hirst of Brotherhood CMC. Brotherhood CMC and The Disciples CMC decided upon the name of the association, without any knowledge of the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association of America, which was formed during 1976 by Herbert Shreve, ( Senior). CMA was called an association and not a club so as Christian riders, who did not want to belong to a club with the responsibility of club involvement, could be linked with Christian motorcyclists where ever they lived without being deeply involved. It also meant Christian Motorcycle Clubs could join and fellowship with other Christian bikers in a fellowship setting, rather than because of any evangelistic or task orientated purpose, (after all this is what the clubs existed for). I found it good when I was living at Griffith to receive the Newsletter to keep in touch and go to the events that I could or wanted to.

Later on in time Hirsty, one of the original founders was to visit America CMA and also meet with members from CMA South Africa, which by my records was founded in 1980. We note that CMA is established in United Kingdom as well, formed 1980, plus possibly Germany also. The link between CMA America and CMA UK and CMA RSA, I do not know, but where possible they would attend the International Rally of CMA as also we could. We were asked some time ago to share with as an international link with Herbie Shreve (junior) taking on the role of International Chairman. There was to be an International Newsletter to be published but I did not see that eventuate. Maybe I was partly to blame, as I did not send in very much NSW information on events etc. We were busy being CMA of NSW. From this, and Barry Hugget’s visit to an International Rally in America, with also a visit by Herbie Shreve to a BBQ with us at Dave Beard’s place, to be followed with Herbie travelling to our National Run held in Buxton, Victoria in 1992, we had a loose connection with CMA America. Herbie was visiting Australia on behalf of Open Doors organisation. Since then we had the pleasure of a visit from Joel Wise last year (2001) to Yackandandah, who is one of nine people who head up CMA America. We are still a separate identity as it would seem that UK and RSA are also doing their thing / ministry in a manner that suits their needs.

My involvement started when I saw an advertisement for a gathering of Christian riders to be held at Hume Weir camping ground, under the auspices of Brotherhood, The Disciples and God Squad. I must admit I cannot remember if this was 1980 or 1981. It was after I had moved to Griffith in January 1980, so I think it was November 1980. I note that 1982 would have been when they officially called this meeting the National Run by the seventh National Run being in the Newsletter for 1988. The National Run was moved to Riverglade Van Village, Tumut from the Hume Weir in 1986. The 2002 National Run to be hosted by NSW and held at Narrandera would then be the 21st. National Run.

The first Teaching Weekend 1987 was held at Gilgandra with 60-70 attending. We held the Teaching Weekend at Cootamundra in August 1989 then we must have moved it to Mt. Vincent in 1994 where it is still held

Day Runs were held on the first Saturday each month starting in Sydney, which would have been difficult for country members to attend. As the membership diminished in the Sydney area these day rides ceased.

Other activities over the years have been (not in any order) —Progressive Dinners — Bike Shows / Displays — Midnight to Dawn Rides, (open to the public.) — Half-way meeting with Queensland with the first one being in Coffs Harbour, June 1992 – Sharing Programs (Outreach) which commenced around 1995-1996 with a trip to Griffith to meet the members in that area including Wagga and we were asked to do a seminar at Griffith High School and speak at two churches. — Toy Runs — Christmas Party.

CMA Victoria I think would have been formed in 1988 / 89 with Queensland commencing in 1989. South Australia must have started before 1993 with Tasmania in 1993. Western Australia has also commenced with a representative attending the National Run(2001) last year. This truly makes CMA. Australia, with a person visiting South Australia for a National Run, I think, from Northern Territory. As far as I know no more has developed in NT.

Incorporation for NSW was achieved in 1993 / 94. CMA is listed in the NSW Public Library for the Archives of NSW. We send them a copy of our Newsletter, which is stored as a record.

2002– 2003, CMA USA or International informs Australia that the previous coalition agreement is cancelled and for Australia to join CMA International “under one banner and patch”. This was and is non-negotiable which is a problem for us as we do not and will not wear a “back-patch.”

CMA Australia voted to remain as Australia and not join CMA International“at this time” indicating that the non-negotiable issues ever become negotiable, we would only be too happy to sit around the table as brothers and sisters in Christ to work out a new agreement.

2006 – We see this previous non-negotiable statement “under one banner and patch” as having been a mis-understanding by one of the USA members and we are now working as a separate identity “CMA Australia” with CMA International.

God is blessing us as we ride and share with others in 2007 by local rides, invitation rides, Sharing Weekends with churches and communities, Annual Teaching Weekend and our National Run hosted by the states in turn.

I trust this history is of interest to you. CMA has developed to what it is today with many members being involved, but it still stands as an association where you as a member can be active as much or as little you so desire. The main aim is to encourage each other in our Christian lives, to support Christian living every day whether or not you are on a CMA event.

CMA is an on-going organisation with a desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever He may take us, as this is the responsibility of any Christian. It is you the members who do this as you stand along side your fellow Christians and bike riders. May God Bless us all as we seek His guidance.

Yours in His service

Roy Breyley.