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NSW State event

Its been some time since we have ventured out to the countryside, so lets stand on our scripture Psalm 45:4

In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!

Generocity Church COBAR has kindly offered to host us for this weekend.

If you would like to swag/ camp at the Church your more than welcome to, as there is a hall out the back with kitchen & toilet amenities.

We ask each person attending the weekend ,a cover charge of $35 for the catering over the Saturday / Sunday- 2x breakfasts + lunch & Dinner.

Friday 29/9/23

  • 4pm Arrival into Cobar- those that are camping at Church will need to wait till 6pm to set up camp as their is a community event finishing up there.
  • 6:30pm dinner/ fellowship at local hotel or restaurant.

Saturday 30/9/23

  • 7:30am breakfast / devotional time
  • 9am Group photo at iconic Cobar entry sign
  • 11am Community outreach
  • 6pm BBQ dinner at church, fellowship and community outreach

Sunday 1/10/23

  • 7:30am Breakfast/ devotional time
  • 8:30 for those that plan to leave today pack gear up
  • 9am Church- CMA Involvement in service
  • 11:30am lunch
  • 1pm depart for home

Those that are staying the Sunday take in the surrounding sights of Cobar.


There are plenty of options for accommodation in Cobar, but suggest booking early, as it is a mining community and rooms could be booked by FIFO Workers + it’s a long weekend

Copper city motel- (02) 68362404

Cobar caravan park- (02) 68362425

Cobar oasis motel- (02) 68362844

Cobar central motor inn- (02) 68302000

Cobar motor inn- (02) 68362304

Cobar crossroads motel- (02) 68362711

Great Western hotel- (02) 68362503

Empire hotel- (02) 68362725

Cobar Town and country motor inn- (02) 68361244


Further details for the weekend will be updated here as we know- so watch this space 😊

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