Greetings CMA NSW/ACT members,

I trust that this communication finds you all well, and keeping busy in your continuing service for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, another year has flown past us all, and Christmas is, again, just around the corner. 2022 has provided things happening within the world, that most people are worrying about.

Is it any wonder that people today, are asking the following questions:-

  • Why is there so much oppression & injustice in the world?
  • Why do evil men prosper?
  • Why doesn’t God do something & clean up this mess?

Christians continue to ask similar “whys”, in a world of increasing international crisis and internal corruption. Nations rise up against nations, and sin abounds everywhere. The world’s moral fibre, is being eaten away.

These penetrating questions, are hardly new. Centuries before Jesus came to this earth, the prophet Habbakuk, looked around at the violence of his time, and cried out to the Lord “Why do I see injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong doing? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up the righteous?” (Habbakuk 1:3,13). The prophet not only asked these questions that plagued mankind, he also received answers to his questions. The answers given, by the creator of the universe, are recorded in the book of Habbakuk, in the Old Testament. In such a world today, of crisis and chaos, Habbakuk speaks with clarity.

This little book records an intriguing interchange, between a perplexed prophet and the Lord God Almighty. This was not a small, casual conversation. Habbakuk went beyond that.

He penned an unusual message of hope and encouragement to God’s people. The dialogue develops in chapter 1. The book begins with an interrogation of God, but ends as an intercession to God. Worry is transformed to worship, fear turns to faith, terror becomes trust & anguish melts into adoration.

The prophet’s complaints, were met with the Lord’s commands – “write down the revelation”. In chapter 2, God’s declaration includes a lengthy “taunt-song”, of five woes placed on the evil Babylonians. Chapter 3, climaxes with a magnificent doxology of praise. The ever present “why”, is best answered by the everlasting “who”. Habbakuk’s confusion and question of “why all the conflict”, is resolved with his comprehension of who is in control – God! Habbakuk’s complaints and fears, were resolved in confidence and in faith. The heart of the message is “The righteous shall live by his faith”.

After receiving a divine answer to his dilemma of chapters 1 & 2, Habbakuk writes a poetic victory prayer, in chapter 3. This is a prayer to God, to fulfill the final judgement of sin, that will occur at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though doubts and confusion can reign when sin runs rampant, an encounter with God, can turn those doubts into devotion, and confusion, into confidence.

Take time to have regular encounters with our Lord. Make prayer and the studying of his word, priorities in your life. Take all of your worries and concerns to him, so that he will provide to you, the peace that passes all understanding.


CMA Matters:

This year, has been a fairly busy year, concerning CMA NSW/ACT business and events. The president’s report that will be presented at the AGM / fellowship weekend, and sent out to all members, in February 2023, will detail the events and achievements for CMA NSW/ACT for 2022. CMA 2023 looks to be another busy year of events and service of our Lord.

The new CMA NSW/ACT website will hopefully be up and running, at the time of you reading this newsletter. Please find the time to look over it, and offer comments, suggestions or input that you may have for it. Please DO NOT try to use the existing website, for any financial transactions, information downloads, or for any purpose. It is not working! Financial dealings are to be made with the treasurer directly, via bank transfers, deposits etc.

Details of 2023 upcoming events can be found on the CMA NSW/ACT facebook page, and will be added to the events page of the website, as they are forth coming. You can also contact myself, or the secretary, for details to be added to the website.

Please continue to pray for Cheryl Hartley and the family, and for the family and friends of Stan Williams, from our CMA New England area, as we all continue to mourn the loss of our dear CMA brothers. Please also pray for those within our CMA family, who are not well, or are struggling at this time. Our God is faithful, and he hears our prayers.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, holy & safe Christmas & New Year. May we all focus on the true meaning of Christmas, amongst all the glitz and glamour that the world presents, at this time of year.

Blessings to you all, as you continue to serve our Lord, within CMA NSW/ACT, and in the areas that Christ has called you to. I look forward to a new year of CMA events and happenings, and to be able to catch up with you at an event in 2023. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, for any ideas you may have for CMA, concerns you may have, or for any reason at all. I would love to hear from you.


Graeme Bingham – CMA NSW/ACT President