Greetings CMA NSW/ACT members,

I trust that this communication finds you all well, and that you are all out on the road riding, either by yourself, or with others. Either way, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are out there, sharing the road with our Lord and Saviour.

We are now well into a new year, and the article that I present to you below, is a timely reminder, that our focus in life, needs to be kept on our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

These words, are the refrain of a well-known hymn, which begins with “O soul, are you weary and troubled?” Perhaps some of you can identify with these words now. We live in an age of turmoil, with wars in progress, with atheism and secularism gaining ground within society. A sharply rising cost of living is affecting us all. Some of you may have personal concerns, broken relationships, sickness, sorrow and mourning, plus many other situations within your lives, on top of the world situation.

More than ever, we all need to rest our gaze on the Lord Jesus Christ. He invites the weary and burdened, to come to him, and find rest in our souls. (Matthew 11: 28-29). Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, but to trust in him and accept the peace that only he can give. (John 14: 1,27).

Jesus, himself, knew what it was to be troubled in soul and spirit, for many different reasons (John 11: 33 & 13: 21). He went on to bear the sins of the world, as he died in agony on the cross. As we fix our eyes on him, we are encouraged to persevere through all difficulties that he allows to come our way.

“and let us run with perseverance, in the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes upon Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart,” (Hebrews 12: 1b – 3).

In our hearts, we can turn our eyes upon Jesus, focus our thoughts upon him, feel our troubles begin to recede, as we gain an eternal perspective. Through these actions, we receive his peace and presence overwhelming us. Jesus also told Thomas that “Blessed are those who have not seen me, and yet they have believed.” (John 20: 29).

Let us remember, that one day, we will see him in heaven, face to face, and for those that have faithfully trusted and obeyed God, all of our worldly concerns and troubles we have had to endure on this earth, will have faded away to nothing, as we humbly enter into his glory and majesty (1 Corinthians 13:12) and (Revelation 22:4).

Let us all heed these words of comfort and sustainability, as we continue to serve Christ, in this world that we currently live in.


  • Please remember, that our prayer co-ordinator, Cay Merritt, is available to receive your prayer requests, whether they be CMA related or not. She will post prayer requests for the membership to pray for. Details of the request will not be given out, but for prayer to be given to the requestee. Regular prayer, is such an important aspect of our Christian lives, and is a major cog in keeping the wheel going, that is CMA NSW/ACT.


  • Wingham Uniting Church, church raid – awaiting confirmation from the church, as to a date that this may happen. Will keep you all posted regarding this weekend.

Wingham is a small country town of approx. 5000 people, near Taree, on the Mid North Coast.

  • Mark in your diaries, the Walcha Motorcycle Rally, happening on the 15th & 16th of November. This is a great opportunity for all CMA NSW/ACT members to come together for a great ride to Walcha, and to enjoy fellowship together. Details for this are on the CMA face book page.


  • Details of all upcoming events can be found on the CMA NSW/ACT web site, or the face book page, or you can contact myself or the secretary.

Please don’t hesitate to provide the committee with ideas for rides, church raids and events you may have in mind. We need CMA NSW/ACT to be active amongst our communities, and serving our Lord.

Blessings to you all, as you continue to serve our Lord, within CMA NSW/ACT, and in the areas that Christ has called you to. I look forward to catching up with you at an event some time.


Graeme Bingham – CMA NSW/ACT President