Greetings everyone,

As this is my first communication for 2023, as the President of CMA NSW/ACT, I would like to sincerely thank you all for your continued support, faith and confidence in me, to continue in the President’s role. For those members who I have not yet met, and those who I don’t know as well, please forgive me. My plan and prayer, is to get to know all members, during my tenure as the NSW/ACT President, through different forms of communication and by meeting and talking with you at the various up-coming CMA events.

Since joining CMA 12 years ago, I have made many new and like – minded friends, and have also taken on positions of service and responsibility in the following capacities:-

  • Area Co-ordinator
  • Members Representative
  • Vice President

It has been my privilege and honour to serve CMA NSW/ACT and our Lord, in these positions, as it is now as your on-going President for 2023. I will be looking to Christ, the committee, and you, the members, for support and encouragement in serving in this important position.

I would take this opportunity, to formally congratulate the following members who have gained committee positions for 2023:-

  • Vice President – Dan McGinty
  • Secretary – Ian Dodd
  • Treasurer – Ian Dodd
  • Members Rep – Grahame Bertram
  • Members Rep – Sheree McGinty
  • Members Rep – Michael Nieuwendyk


A special thank you must be given to outgoing committee members Karen Nieuwendyk, John Kroon and Terry Beavan, for your loyalty and service to CMA NSW/ACT, and for the sterling jobs they have carried out over the last few years.

A special welcome to the new CMA NSW/ACT members who have become members for 2023. May God richly bless you as you become involved in CMA activities and ministry.

In addition, a big thank you goes out from me, to all the area co-ordinators, as they continue to serve in these positions. A big shout out to:-

  • Dan McGinty – New England area
  • Graeme Bingham – Mid North Coast area
  • John Kroon – Hunter area
  • Braam Meyer – Camden area (for the short term)
  • Terry Beavan – Illawarra / Shoalhaven area
  • David & Donna Sheath – South West area
  • Barry & Margarita Day – Far South West area
  • Paul Thomson – ACT

 We also welcome aboard Cyndie Murphy as our new Sydney area Co-ordinator for 2023.

Please continue to pray for the committee and your area co-ordinators, as we all strive to work together and to serve you all in unity and in Christ.

Please support your area co-ordinators, by attending organised local rides and CMA events, as they work to serve you in your local areas. Remember, that CMA NSW/ACT is not just the committee and co-ordinators, but it is YOU, the members, who make CMA what it is today.

May we all work together, sharing Christ’s love to each other, and those around us.

I would also like to thank those members, and guests, for attending the AGM/ Fellowship weekend in Taree. These weekends are always a great time of fellowship together, meeting new people, and catching up on old friendships. A big thanks to Midcoast Christian College and Taree Baptist Church, for the use of their facilities. I already look forward to meeting together with you all next year, in 2024, God willing.

Please pray for members of our CMA family, that are unwell, or who may be struggling personally, at this time. Pray for the CMA NSW/ACT committee, and all members, for this coming year.

My CMA brothers and sisters, could I urge you all to please continue to give to our CMA assist fund for this year. If you haven’t done so already, would you prayerfully consider doing so. Any amount you can give, would be greatly appreciated. The assist fund was well utilised in 2022, helping out CMA members, and others who really appreciated the help that we provided. The need to help others, continues to grow. This is a valued and practical way for CMA to be helping out in our communities, and assisting our fellow Christian brothers & sisters, who may be struggling. If you have a need in your local community, please let me know, so that we can organise assistance, if possible.

Lastly, could I encourage you all to think and pray about ways that we can encourage riders to become involved and to join CMA NSW/ACT. We need to be looking to the future NOW, to keep CMA NSW/ACT running, as our current membership overall, is an aging membership. We need to be attracting more younger riders, to join with us and to be involved.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for promoting CMA NSW/ACT, and to build on what we are doing, please send them through. Ideas will be gratefully received and greatly appreciated. I feel that CMA NSW/ACT is a vital ministry, that needs to continue for generations to come.

Thank you for spending time to read this letter. I trust that the Lord may have encouraged and inspired you to “go forth and do mighty deeds” as the Psalmist says, in God’s word. I will continue to send out the quarterly President’s Chat for you in 2023. Please support all CMA events as and when you can.

May our sovereign Lord bless you as you continue to serve him in the ministries that he has called you to do, with your involvement in CMA being one of them. I look forward to catching up with you all at a CMA NSW/ACT event, during the year.


In His service,


Graeme Bingham CMA NSW/ACT President