About CMA

The aim of CMA WA is to fulfill our Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that Christ has commanded us (Matthew 28:18-20).

History of CMA

In 1979 a meeting took place in Sydney between a number of individual riders and representatives of two Christian motorcycle clubs known as the Brotherhood and the Disciples. Their intention was to form an association of Christian riders, which would enable them to be linked in fellowship across this great country.

It was in this year that the Christian Motorcyclists’ Association (CMA) was formed and since then CMA’s have been set up in every state.

In 2000 the name Christian Motorcyclists’ Association of Australia was adopted and in that same year the CMA in Western Australia was formed.

In 2004 all state Associations unanimously agreed to become united as one National body, but to continue to operate as state Associations in their own right.

Main objectives

  • Stimulate personal faith in and love for our Lord Jesus Christ among members of the Association and individual motorcyclists.
  • Equip Christians for a lifetime of serving God and to actively witness Christ to both motorcyclists and those around them.
  • Provide pastoral care and guidance for existing and future motorcycling clubs/groups and the members thereof if requested.
  • Establish and maintain affiliation with the International and National CMA, and to correspond with other Christian motorcyclists associations.
  • Promote safe motorcycling habits and procedures throughout Australia.

Statement of Believe

  • I believe God to be the creator of all things.
  • Jesus Christ is the only answer to everyone’s spiritual need.
  • Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and His resurrection are the basis of all Christian life.
  • The Holy Spirit is the source of power for Christian life.
  • The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons, yet one God.
  • The Bible is the authoritative Word of God in all circumstances of life.
  • I have turned away from the sins of my past life, confessed them to God and asked him to forgive me for them.
  • I have committed my life to Jesus Christ and now acknowledge Him as my Lord and Savior.
  • I will endeavor to remain faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible

Code of Conduct

To be accepted as a member of CMA. I agree to accept and abide by the following conditions at any CMA organised events:

  • Offensive language is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Clothing with offensive language and / or indecent pictures and slogans are not to be worn.
  • Illegal drugs and alcohol of any description are not permitted’ Note: Some rides may allow for tavern or hotel stops (for food, accommodation, rest rooms, etc). They are strictly alcohol and drug free.
  • Derogatory statements regarding other members’ status, faith or motorcycles are not acceptable.
  • Common courtesy and respect for other riders / members is required. Repeated breaches of this code of conduct may lead to membership of CMA being revoked.


Membership to CMA WA is open to anyone who supports and agrees with the Objectives (listed above), Statement of belief, and Code of Conduct of the Association, and is involved or intends to become involved in motorcycling.

An application form for those who would like to join the Association can be obtained by contacting us.