Greetings CMA NSW/ACT members,
I trust that this communication finds you all well, and keeping busy in your continuing service for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, another year has flown past us all, and 2023 is well & truly upon us! My prayer was for you all, over the Christmas period, that Christ was the focus and the centre of your celebrations with family and friends. With a new year upon us, let us continue to have Christ as the central focus of our lives.
Take time to have regular encounters with the Lord. Make prayer and the studying of his word, priorities in your life. Take all of your worries and concerns to him, so that he will provide to you, the peace that passes all understanding.
We make many decisions each day. Some have little consequence, while others can set the direction of our lives. We need God’s wisdom in respect to relationships, finances and many other areas within our lives. If we are to live life to the full, we need to continually enquire of God, what he thinks is best for us.
The introduction of the book of Proverbs, tells us that the fear of God, is the beginning of wisdom. How many of the choices we make, are made without consulting God? If you are like me, it is probably too many. Wisdom, can be like guard rails on both sides of a highway, to keep us on track with life.
Proverbs Ch 6 vs. 5-7 says “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you. Love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme, therefore achieve wisdom”.
God’s wisdom is so important to me, as I serve you all as your current CMA NSW/ACT President. Fortunately, I have a great committee that supports me in this role, so the wisdom supplied by them, which comes from God, goes a long way to assisting me, in the decisions that I have to make, on a regular basis for CMA. May we all be diligent in the asking of our God, to provide the wisdom and discernment that we all need, in our continued service of him!
CMA Matters:
2023, is looking to be another busy year, concerning CMA NSW/ACT business and events. I trust that the Lord provided you all with relaxation and refreshment for the “winding down” period of the end of 2022. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for CMA NSW/ACT, in 2023.
The 2023 AGM / fellowship weekend was attended by approx. 30 people. A great weekend was had by all, with new folk becoming CMA NSW/ACT members, and old friendships renewed. Please make the effort to attend our annual CMA NSW/ACT fellowship weekend/ AGM, which is to be held in Griffith next year, probably in February 2024. Details of the weekend will become available on the CMA NSW/ACT web site and face book page, later in the year.
The new CMA NSW/ACT web site is up and running, after a long and sometimes frustrating journey. There are still a few minor issues to be completed with the site, but it is functioning well, at this time. Please find the time to look over it, and offer comments, suggestions or input that you may have for possible improvements. Payment of your2023 membership fees cannot be made on the web site, at this stage. Please contact the secretary / treasurer for payment details.
A reminder that details of upcoming CMA events, are available on both the web site, and the CMA NSW/ACT face book page. Upcoming events will be added and updated on both sites, as they are forth coming. You can also contact myself, or the secretary, for details to be added to the website.
Please continue to pray for Cheryl Hartley and the family, and the family of Stan Williams (from our New England area), as they continue to mourn their loss of loved ones. We will continue to miss our CMA brothers in Christ, but are also celebrating that they are in glory with our Lord and Saviour. We will see them again! Continue to pray for those within our CMA family, who are not well, or are struggling at this time. Our God is faithful, and he hears our prayers.
Blessings to you all, as you continue to serve our Lord, within CMA NSW/ACT, and in the areas that Christ has called you to. I look forward to catching up with you at an event in 2023. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, for any ideas you may have for CMA, concerns you may have, or for any reason at all. I would love to hear from you.
Graeme Bingham – CMA NSW/ACT President