Lancefield & Mt Macedon Ride Report | 23-24 March 2024

Lancefield & Mt Macedon Ride Report | 23-24 March 2024 CMA Victoria has had a wonderful weekend of riding, camaraderie, socialising, and worship to mark the start of ‘Semana Santa’ – Holy Week – Aussie style. That is to say we ate, made merry, prayed ate some more, enjoyed the countryside, had a devotion, worshipped and had communion at the top of Mt Macedon. It was an awesome 2 days. Ride to Lancefield Riding up through granite country to Lancefield with the sun on our backs we passed huge granite boulders emerging out of paddocks and balanced precariously on top …

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Timboon & Port Campbell Ride Report | 24th Feb 2024

Mark and ‘Big Blue’ joined us for the first time.

CMA Westies had another great ride today to Timboon Fine Icecream and then to Port Campbell for lunch. First stop was Ritcho’s Bakery in Colac for morning tea. The sun was out and so were all the people, but we were all very relaxed and enjoyed a chirp and slurp with the first coffee of the day. Then it was on to Cobden and Timboon, a beautiful little ride winding down through a leafy forest. Stopping at Timboon Fine Icecream for dessert in reverse as our entre. From entre at Timboon it was a 15 minute ride to Port Campbell …

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CMA Westies – Belllarine Loop Ride Report | 26th Jan 2024

Well what a great ride we had today. 16 Riders, including 10 first time riders. Our meeting point was Geelong RSL at the memorial cenotaph. A very light dusting of rain at the pre ride briefing but that was all we had for the day. One of our new riders came fully prepared to celebrate the day with a flag mounted to his bike. As a group we rode to Portarlington using corner markers. Inevitably we were strung out with some riders travelling more slowly, but we regrouped and had a coffee and more ‘get to know you’ chats. By …

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