Blessing of the Bikes at Nagambie 2023

Blessing of the Bikes at Nagambie 2023 – CMA Victoria Just a couple of pic’s of Blessing of the Bikes at Nagambie. What an awesome turn out a BIG THANK YOU to all who helped. Bushy Craig

Blessing of the Bikes – Geelong 2023

Stephen Wade 'Padre Flash' from Easyriders at Blessing of the Bikes - Geelong 2023 cunningham pier Melbourne

Event Report: Blessing of the Bikes – Geelong 2023 was very well attended with maybe 800 to 1000 bikes and riders of all types. Cunningham pier was full and the overflow spread down Western Beach road. Steve and Cam from CMA Geelong, together with David, Tracy, Chris and Geoff form CMA Lilydale, DAF from CMA Ballarat and David and Jo from CMA Cranbourne all participated in the event. Blessing of the bikes on arrival under a drive through marquee was carried out with the help of Stephen Wade ‘Padre Flash’ from Easyriders. Many conversations were had with people of all …

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