Spaghetti Rally 2023 – Edi Cutting,Victoria

Organised by the Moto Guzzi Club. Fri 27th – Sun 29th October

The  weather at Spaghetti Rally 2023 – Edi Cutting, Victoria was set for a lovely weekend, so we decided riding up Friday morning was a good option. We left with friends Ian and Beck and headed out the long way through Myrrhee.

Bikes and campsites at Spaghetti Rally 2023 - Edi Cutting, Victoria
Bikes and campsites at Spaghetti Rally 2023 – Edi Cutting, Victoria

Edi Cutting is a popular camping spot on the King River, but already the place had a buzz. We set up camp and relaxed watching all the other motor bikes rolling  in.

By tea time, our daughter Amy arrived on her own bike and the camping area was full.  It is a back to basic rally, with no band music but an opportunity to purchase food supplied by the local scouts group.

Henderson famil at Spaghetti Rally 2023 - Edi Cutting, Victoria
Butch, myself and my daughter Amy at Spaghetti Rally 2023 – Edi Cutting, Victoria

Friday night we got acquainted with our SA neighbours sitting around the camp fire. Saturday morning we headed out for a walk around the nearby hills, a quick dip in the freezing water before a stroll around the camp area admiring all the motorbikes present.

You certainly see a variety of bikes but the Moto Guzzi was certainly the main attraction.  Neville and Sue came by for a quick visit in the afternoon and a few people stopped to admire Butch’s FJ 1200, which is still towing the coke can trailer.

Later in the afternoon we all headed to the main tent for a quiz game. You were allowed five people on your team and $200 for the winning team was the prize. With no opportunity to phone a friend we didn’t come home with any prizes.

The Moto Guzzi club traditionally cook up a mass spag bowl as part of the entry fee of the Spaghetti Rally 2023 – Edi Cutting, Victoria, so we all lined up waiting our turn. Another night sitting around the camp fire was a great way to spend the evening catching up with old friends.

Sunday morning was a mass pack up but our short trip home allowed us to spend the morning enjoying the beautiful weather and camp ground, before we headed for home.


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