Timboon & Port Campbell Ride Report | 24th Feb 2024

CMA Westies had another great ride today to Timboon Fine Icecream and then to Port Campbell for lunch.

First stop was Ritcho’s Bakery in Colac for morning tea. The sun was out and so were all the people, but we were all very relaxed and enjoyed a chirp and slurp with the first coffee of the day.

Mark and ‘Big Blue’ joined us for the first time.
Mark and ‘Big Blue’ joined us for the first time.
Umesh happy as always, despite having throttle trouble.
Umesh happy as always, despite having throttle trouble.

Then it was on to Cobden and Timboon, a beautiful little ride winding down through a leafy forest. Stopping at Timboon Fine Icecream for dessert in reverse as our entre.

Ayub, having ‘1 for Jesus’.
Ayub, having ‘1 for Jesus’.
Steve & Pete having a good time too.
Steve & Pete having a good time too.

From entre at Timboon it was a 15 minute ride to Port Campbell Hotel in Lord Street for lunch. 

Port Campbell is a beautiful seaside village and a first class ride destination.

Andrew Suter joined us for lunch having missed us at Timboon and led us in grace.

Marie and Andrew, and the rest of the ride crew enjoying lunch in the beer garden.
Marie and Andrew, and the rest of the ride crew enjoying lunch in the beer garden Feb 2024
Marie and Andrew, and the rest of the ride crew enjoying lunch in the beer garden.

After lunch Marie and Cam rode home the long way around the Great Ocean Road while Ayub, Mal and Mark needed to get home a bit earlier, so the rest of us took the back way through to Colac and on to Geelong.

We had some beautiful bikes along for the ride, including a couple of CVOs, and we all had a great day. What a blessing it is to be riding with the CMA.

Steve Howe

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