National Run 2019

Ali Curung 2016

CMA National Run 2016

CMA National Run 2016 went from Friday the 14th to Monday the 17th of October 2016 hosted by South Australia and was held at the Adare Campsite in Victor Harbor.

Kerry Gibson from the CMA in the USA was our speaker (he spoke on behalf of the approx. 60,000 CMA members worldwide). His challenge on Sunday morning from God’s Word to be serious about following Jesus 100% was extremely well received. Kerry is a powerful servant for Jesus. What an inspiring morning, thanks to people like Matt for leading our worship, Noel who shared a powerful communion talk with us and the testimony poem from Jeff was great. Lisa welcomed Chris Pilgrim from Queensland as the new National Coordinator and we thank Lisa for the past 6 years in that leadership position.

The National Run was a huge success with over 130 people attending the activities in Victor Harbor. The Adare Campsite was a perfect camping spot and we thank the committee for choosing that place. How was the food? Wow! A huge thank you to Trevor for overseeing the whole event. He did an exceptional job and received a standing ovation on Sunday night, but he could not have done this without your help, so thanks everyone. Some of you gave an exceptional effort to the wd, you know who you are? Thanks heaps. Many prayed from long distance for this wd, thank you so much. All glory to Jesus.

The rides were of an exceptional standard thanks to your safe riding and thanks to the leadership of Richard, Glenn, Phil & John. Also, thank you Anton for leading the Saturday ride. Thanks BJ for the Saturday morning devotion that set a great foundation for the weekend, Justin who did a great job leading the Saturday night program and Kay, DeArn, Tamara & Jess who led some hilarious and crazy games on Sunday night.

Check out the excellent photos from the weekend that are on our Website and CMA SA Facebook Page.

Facebook Page for 2016 National Run | CMA 2016 National Run Newletter Update

CMA National Run 2016

Christian Motorcyclists Association of Australia National Run 2016-
Victor Harbor, South Australia

Posted by CMA South Australia on Thursday, February 2, 2017