
The following names are of people who have passed on and who have made a positive contribution to the Christian Motorcyclist Association in South Australia.

 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39.

Norman Johnston, 31/10/2024 (Age 82)

Norman was born in Ireland and came to Australia when he was a young lad. He met Lorraine at Bible College. They married and moved to New Zealand, then Sydney followed by moving to Rudall, a remote area on EP. Norman and Lorraine moved to Port Lincoln and had a role working in the church and with the indigenous people. Lorraine had MS and was cared for admirably and lovingly by Norman until her final days. Norman enjoyed riding motorcycles and embraced the CMA of SA and later hosted the CMA in Port Lincoln for a memorable Easter weekend. In later years Norman road a sidecar. He was a joyful character, enthusiastic about life and always passionate about evangelism. He was an encouragement to us all.

Theo Gray, 24/10/2024 (Age 70)

Theo and Heather came from Tasmania and joined CMA in 2000. Theo was a competent truck driver and worked in many states. He and Heather lived in SA for a season. Their involvement in CMA in SA was a blessing for us all. Theo and Heather made a special effort to be at nearly every one of the CMA National Runs since 2000. Theo was the life of the party and had the ability to make everyone feel important and loved by him. He was a big man with an even bigger bear hug. His grin and his laugh were infectious and totally genuine. In later years he and Heather lived in WA close to family. He enjoyed riding, loved his family and wife and served Jesus faithfully in all that he did.

Ross Vogt, 8/10/2024 (Age 101)

Ross was a hard working gentleman from Kapunda. He was a cabinet maker and worked with Ted Grigg many years ago. Ross toured on his BMW motorcycle with his wife Grace all over Australia. They towed a trailer in a time when it was an uncommon attachment behind a motorcycle. Ross and Grace were loyal followers of Jesus along with their two sons, Brian and Wayne. Ross was a keen collector of varied house hold goods from decades ago and his home was like a museum. He inspired us all especially with his many stories, sharp mind and active lifestyle.

Jason Doig, 17/11/2023 (Age 53)

Jason was a police officer at Lucindale and was killed in the line of duty near Bordertown. He had been working for the police in Cleve for several years. He was a much respected member of the communities on the EP and the SE Region of SA. Originally from Victoria, he is dearly missed by his mother and brothers. He enjoyed attending a couple of CMA National Runs and was a keen motorcyclist. He owned a Ducati which he loved riding. Going fishing was his passion and he was a keen supporter of the local sporting teams where he lived.   

Cliff Daniel, 6/11/2023 (Age 83)

Cliff was a keen motorcyclist as a young man riding a 500cc Panther and when he moved from the farm at Kyancutta to Adelaide he met up with a few members from the CMA. Cliff subsequently joined and faithfully prayed and supported many CMA activities. He travelled as a backup vehicle on an outback CMA trip to Boulia in Queensland in his trusty Nissan Patrol. Cliff was a Farmer, Labourer, Truckie & Windscreen repairer. Cliff was a dedicated follower of Jesus, married to Judy, they had 3 children and many grandchildren.

Bob Lineage, 3/7/2023 (Age 75)

Bob was a very loyal CMA committee member and as a Gideon was very interested in the new edition of the Riding with Purpose booklet. We saw Bob at many activities but most memorable were the overnight rides he organized to the Copper Triangle and to Peterborough. Bob was a great organizer. Bob & Margaret were parents to 4 sons and had many experiences as a family and being organized was important. He rode a several bikes including a Royal Enfield 500 Bullet and he enjoyed owning his retro bike and the memories that it brought back for him.

Mike Arthur, 9/4/2021 (Age 74)

Mike had many interests but his devotion to serving Jesus was number one. He was happily married and they were involved in Church ministry together. Mike had a cruiser and proudly wore a cross on the back of his leather jacket. They owned a bit of land out from Yunta and used that for God’s work. He was only limited by his failing health but he supported others in their ministries.

Lyndon Francis, 3/1/2020 (Age 74)

Lyndon was married to Vicky. He loved his kids and enjoyed having them closer in his final years. He was very clever in bush mechanics and making things out of metal. In later years he was a bus driver and then a security guard. He enjoyed motorcycling and outback trips in his 4WD. He endured a lot of pain on his bike trips but he put up with it because he enjoyed being on two wheels out on the open road. He was a good man who followed Jesus.

Norm Carter, 30/10/2019 (Age 81)

Married to his childhood sweetheart Margaret, they spent many years in various ministries in 5 states. He was a Churches of Christ minister. Norm was not one to sit around and wonder, he got busy and got involved. He owned many motorcycles over his lifetime and always kept them in showroom condition. Norm wanted everyone to know Jesus personally. He produced countless Christian pamphlets. He lived for the Gospel and was a passionate evangelist. He was devoted to the CMA for many decades.

Tom Reid, 6/7/2018 (Age 70’s)

Tom was Irish and one of life’s great characters! A good mate of John Verbi’s. Tom was always ready for a laugh. Tom had a strong faith and did a few ministry trips to India and other countries. Life was never dull with Tom around. His last machine was a Spyder.

Bill (Skooter) Hamilton, 15/3/2018 (Age 66)

Bill was a member of the Disciples in NSW in the 70’s and 80’s. He worked in Motorcycle shops in that state. He moved to Adelaide with partner Susan and the two boys. Bill was enthusiastic about everything and had his own ministry with his uplifting podcasts. He owned many bikes over the years but he enjoyed his scooter and even ran a scooter club with the MRA. He helped us over many years with tech stuff as a committee member. Jovial and positive till his last day.

Kim Tonkin, 28/1/2018 (Age 57)

We met Kim when we took her son Christopher on an ice cream run in a motorcycle side car ridden by Iain. Kim was in a wheelchair in the last decade or more of her life and she became very close to Dave Warren and they were engaged to be married. Sadly she died before they were married. She loved attending the Ingle Farm Salvos. An amazing lady who never focussed on what she couldn’t do, rather she simply enjoyed and valued what she could do.

Margaret Carter, 15/1/2018 (Age 74)

Margaret was married to Norm and both were faithful members of the CMA over many years. In fact they were members in New South Wales in the early 90’s. Margaret came on many rides and overnight camps with the CMA and contributed much as she had a wonderful gift engaging with others. Often smiling, she enjoyed life and in particular she dearly loved her children and grandchildren.

John Verbi, 30/12/2017 (Age 67)

John Verbi – the stories of his antics live on. The Badger! The orphan from the UK who came to Australia as a young man. He lived most of his life in SA but he spent some time in WA and in his final years he lived in Tasmania. He had an exhausting career in the building industry. A couple of marriages along the way caused joy and sorrow. His last marriage lasted 12 days! He enjoyed his Harley and his Triumph but his favourite was his early 1950’s Velocette. But the most incredible aspect of John’s life was his desire to keep in touch with people right up to his sudden death. He phoned people on a regular basis and laughed and stirred us constantly. He was generous to those who were down on their luck. He proudly carried an exemption form that meant he didn’t have to wear a seatbelt! He questioned everything but he was devoted to God’s Word and proclaimed his faith in Jesus till the end.

Wayne Vogt, 8/1/2017 (Age 58)

Wayne was iconic on his Blue BMW R80/7 and later he enjoyed his Vulcan cruiser after moving to Tasmania. He would ride off with his freshly lit cigarette in his mouth thanks to his open face helmet. Wayne had Nancy as his companion and we got to know his brother Brian and father Ross and his dear late mum Grace. It is true that Wayne had a strong opinion on most subjects but his faith in Jesus never faltered and everyone knew who he believed in.

Craig Davis, 2/8/2015 (Age 50)

Craig was a good friend of the CMA in a very difficult part of his life. Many made an effort to keep in touch with him. He was a gifted artist and enjoyed drawing. We appreciated Craig or Crip as he was known.
He was a helpful committee member years ago when websites were emerging. He enjoyed riding his Suzuki Bandit. His cancer was cruel but he was beautifully cared for by his partner Julie.

Derek Sayer, 17/9/2014 (Age 53)

Derek was married to Julie. They lived in Strathalbyn and became great supporters of the CMA. Derek was our chairman for 2 years just prior to his accident. His larger than life approach to life energised all of us who knew him. He had a soft spot for vanilla slices and his skills as a chef were enjoyed by many of us. He owned a countless number of motorcycles in his time but his favourites were Italian bikes. His fatal bike accident was sudden and a shock to us all but especially for his devoted wife Julie. His unique sense of humour has been missed but stories are regularly shared about him that never fail to bring a smile to our faces. Derek had a strong faith in Jesus.

Alec Holmes, 11/5/2015 (Age 60)

Alec rode an old Moto Guzzi that Don did some extensive work on. Alec had the appropriate beard for his bike and really looked the part. He lived in Mount Gambier then across the border into Victoria but made an effort to keep in contact with us. Alec was one of the very early CMA members in SA and was a relative of Ian Mills. Alec was a follower of Jesus.

Rob Ellis, 18/2/2012 (Age 55)

Rob was a devoted school teacher at Hope School and was married to Wendy and they had a son Joshua. Rob enjoyed riding his Yamaha 1100 cruiser. Sadly Rob died on a CMA ride when he suffered a medical condition that took his life. Greatly missed.

Roy Hopper, 26/7/2009 (Age 56)

Roy was married to Kaye and they lived at Murray Bridge. They rode together on their Honda 750 cruiser. Roy attended the Salvos church and he spoke at the MRA “Ridden on Ride” services a few times. He didn’t enjoy good health and died too early.

Geoff Parker, 23/9/2008 (Age 61)

Geoff was a farmer near Goolwa. The CMA had a memorable barbecue at his farm and we had a great time. Geoff did many rides with us including a ride to Port Lincoln in the late 90’s. He was a great guy and was married to Christine. They moved to Naracoorte and sadly he had a fatal accident when a trailer came adrift onto the wrong side of the road. He was on his Royal Enfield. A great family man.

Don Baillie, 20/1/2002 (Age 70)

Don and his wife Glenda were so good to the CMA. A group of us stayed at their home in Keith and were shown amazing hospitality including home-made soup. Don rode a green Yamaha 900 Diversion which he sold to Wayne. Don was a friendly guy who enjoyed the friendships he made in the CMA. His bike trip with friends to Alice Springs in 1999 was a highlight. Don was a retired farmer.

Ted Grigg, 19/1/2002 (Age 73)

Ted spent time in Esperance amongst the Indigenous communities in mission work. In his early years he worked with Ross Vogt in a cabinet making business in Kapunda. He was a builder and a capable mechanic. He was a keen motorcyclist and owned a Yamaha 1.1 as his last bike which he made into a sidecar. He wife Wyn died a few years earlier and they had 4 children. Ted was a true gentleman.

Jesus said,
“I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live,
even though they die.”
John 11:25

CMA South Australia