
Who Can Become A Member?

Any person who has an interest in motorcycles or motorcyclists is welcome to become a member of CMA. To be a member it is important to agree with the Statement of Belief. There is no restriction to the size or make of motorcycle you ride or you may not even own a bike.

Why Become a Member?

Your support for CMA in SA through your willingness to become a member is greatly appreciated. You will have full voting rights at meetings and eligibility to be part of the organizing committee. Your fees will assist us with our costs including our insurance premium.

How to Become a Member?

Please contact us via Email or our Post Office Box and send us your postal address and we will send you an Application for Membership form.

Statement Of Belief

Members of CMA in SA/NT believe in the following:

  1. We believe God to be the Creator of all things.
  2. We believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons yet one God.
  3. We believe Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and His resurrection are the basis of all Christian life.
  4. We believe the Holy Spirit is the source of power for Christian living.
  5. We believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God in all circumstances of life.
  6. We celebrate in the Unity that can be achieved from our Diverse backgrounds.

Members of the CMA in SA/NT:

  1. Have committed their life to Jesus Christ and now acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour.
  2. Are attempting to live a Christ like life, confessing their sins to God and being thankful for His forgiveness.
  3. Will endeavour to live a humble life and remain faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
CMA South Australia